Silene aegyptiaca
Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Caryophyllaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Silene aegyptiaca in Linnaeus, Suppl. Pl.: 241. 1782
- ≡Cucubalus aegyptiacus, Sp. Pl.: 415. 1753 wfo-0000628624
- =Silene atocion, Hort. Bot. Vindob. 2: 19. 1772 wfo-1200073501
- =Silene atocioides, Diagn. Pl. Orient. 5: 83. 1844 wfo-0000438897
Euro+Med endemicA,B: Cyprus native ‒ nativeB,C; East Aegean islands native: presence questionableC; Egypt native ‒ nativeA,C; Israel/Palestine nativeD; Israel/Palestine-Jordan native ‒ nativeC,E; Jordan nativeF; Lebanon-Syria native ‒ nativeC; Sinai native ‒ nativeC; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part native ‒ nativeC)
D. Ali-Shtayeh, M. S., Jamous, R. M. & Abuzaitoun, S. Y. 2022: Analysis of floristic composition and species diversity of vascular plants native to the State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip). – Biodivers. Data J. 10(e80427): 1-24.