Silene conica
Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Caryophyllaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Silene conica, Sp. Pl.: 418. 1753 wfo-0000438672
- =Pleconax conica in Oesterr. Bot. Z. 119: 579. 1972 wfo-0001292162
Ab Ag Al Ar Au(A) Be Br Bu dCa(C) Cg Cm Cr Cs Ct Ga(F) Ge Gg Gr Ho Hs(S) Hu It Lu Ma Mk Rf(CS) Rm Si(S) Sl Sr Tn Tu(A E) [Co nDa Sk nSu]
Euro+Med not endemicA,B,C: Albania nativeD,E,F,G; Algeria nativeE; Armenia nativeH; Austria, with Liechtenstein native ‒ nativeF (Austria nativeI); Azerbaijan nativeH; Belgium, with Luxembourg native ‒ nativeF; Bulgaria native ‒ nativeE,F,J; Canary islands (Gran Canaria native: doubtfully nativeK,L); Corsica introducedA,B,E; Crete, with Karpathos nativeC,E,F; Crimea nativeE,F; Croatia nativeM,N; Czech Republic nativeO; Denmark naturalised; Former Yugoslavia nativeE,F; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France native ‒ nativeE,F); Georgia nativeH; Germany native ‒ nativeF,P,Q,R; Great Britain native ‒ nativeF; Greece nativeC,E,F; Hungary native ‒ nativeF,S; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native ‒ nativeE,F; Montenegro nativeT; Morocco nativeE,U; Netherlands native ‒ nativeF,V; North Macedonia native ‒ nativeW; Portugal native ‒ nativeE,F,X; Romania native ‒ nativeF,Y; Russia (North Caucasus nativeH); Serbia, with Kosovo nativeZ; Sicily, with Malta native ‒ nativeF (Sicily nativeE); Slovakia introducedAA; Slovenia nativeAB; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra native ‒ nativeE,F (Spain native ‒ nativeX,AC); Sweden naturalised; Tunisia nativeE; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeE,AD, Turkey-in-Europe nativeE,F,AD)
Common Names
Albanian (Albania): Klokëza konikeAE; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Конично плюскавичеJ; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): silene cònicaAF; Croatian (Croatia): čunjasta pušinaAG; Czech (Czech Republic): silenka kuželovitáAH; Danish (Denmark): Kegle-LimurtAI; Dutch; Flemish (Netherlands): KegelsileneAJ; English (Great Britain): Sand CatchflyAK; Finnish (Finland): hietakohokkiAI; French (France): Silène coniqueAL; French (Switzerland): Silène coniqueAM; German (Germany): Kegel-LeimkrautAN; German (Switzerland): Kegelfrüchtiges LeimkrautAO; Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): Σιληνή η κωνικήAP; Hungarian (Hungary): Homoki habszegfűAQ; Italian (Switzerland): Silene conicaAR; Norwegian (Norway): sandsmelleAI; Polish (Poland): Lepnica smukłaAS; Slovak (Slovakia): silenka kužel'ovitáAA; Slovenian (Slovenia): Stožčasta lepnicaAB; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): claveletes de barrancoAF; Swedish (Sweden): sandglimAI; Welsh (Wales): Gludlys RhesogAT
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