Silene fabaria

Silene fabaria


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Caryophyllaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Silene fabaria (L.) Sm. in Sibthorp & Smith, Fl. Graec. Prodr. 1: 293. 1809
  • Cucubalus fabarius L., Sp. Pl.: 414. 1753
  • Oberna fabaria (L.) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. Bohemoslov. 12: 427. 1977
  • =Silene thebana Boiss., Fl. Orient. 1: 627. 1867
  • =Oberna thebana (Boiss.) Ikonn. in Novosti Sist. Vysš. Rast. 15: 149. 1979


AE(G) Cr Gr Tu(A) 

Euro+Med endemicA,B: Crete, with Karpathos nativenativeA,B,C,D; East Aegean islands nativeA (Greek East Aegean islands nativenativeE); Greece nativenativeA,B,D; Turkey nativeF (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeA,G)

Common Names

Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): Σιληνή η κυαμοειδήςH


A. Greuter, W., Burdet, H. M. & Long, G. 1984: Med-Checklist 1. – Genève & Berlin (as Silene thebana Boiss.)
B. Strid, A. & Tan, K. 1997: Flora Hellenica 1. – Königstein (as Silene thebana Boiss.)
C. Greuter, W. & Raus, T. 1984: Med-Checklist notulae, 9. – Willdenowia 14: 37-54
D. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (as Silene thebana Boiss.)
E. Strid, A. & Tan, K. 1997: Flora Hellenica 1. – Königstein
F. Greuter, W. & Raus, T. 2002: Med-Checklist notulae, 21. – Willdenowia 32: 195-208
G. Güner, A. 2012: Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi. – Istanbul
H. Kabbadas, D. S. 1957–1964: Eikonographemenon botanikon-phytologikon lexikon. – Athenai