Silene reinwardtii

Silene reinwardtii


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Caryophyllaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Silene reinwardtii Roth, Catal. Bot. 3: 42. 1806
    • "Silene juncea" sensu MOUTERDE, P. - Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Dar El-Machreq (imprimerie catholique), Beyrouth, 1966-1970. 1/1: [I]-LXXXII, [1]-[567]. 1966; 1/2: 186 tab. 1966; 2/1: [I]-XII, [1]-[729]. 1970; 2/2: 328 tab. 1970-...
    • "Silene rigidula" auct.


    Jo LS 

    Euro+Med endemicA: Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativeA,B; Jordan nativeC; Lebanon-Syria nativeA

    Common Names

    Hebrew (Israel): צִפָּרְנִית מְצֻיֶּרֶתD


    A. Greuter, W., Burdet, H. M. & Long, G. 1984: Med-Checklist 1. – Genève & Berlin
    B. Feinbrun, N. 1966: Flora Palaestina 1
    C. Taifour, H. & El-Oqlah, A. A. 2017: The plants of Jordan. An annotated checklist. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
    D. Danin, A.: Flora of Israel Online –