Silene chlorantha

Silene chlorantha


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Caryophyllaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Silene chlorantha (Willd.) Ehrh., Beitr. Naturk. 7: 144. 1792
  • Cucubalus chloranthus Willd., Fl. Berol. Prodr.: 155. 1787


Bu Cm Es Ge La Lt Mo Po Rf(CS) Rm Sr 

Euro+Med not endemic: Bulgaria nativeA,B,C; Crimea nativeB,C; Estonia nativeD; Former Yugoslavia nativeB,C; Germany nativeC,E,F,G; Latvia nativeD; Lithuania nativeD; Moldova nativeH; Poland nativeC,I; Romania nativeC,J; Russia (North Caucasus nativeK); Serbia, with Kosovo nativeL; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeM,N

Common Names

Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Зеленикаво плюскавичеA; Estonian (Estonia): Palu-põisrohiD; German (Germany): Grünblütiges LeimkrautO; Latvian (Latvia): zaļziedu plaukšķeneD; Lithuanian (Lithuania): žaliažiedė naktižiedėD; Polish (Poland): Lepnica zielonawaP; Romanian (Moldova): Гуша порумбарулуй верзуеH; Russian (Russia): сомлевка поникшаяD


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