Hieracium bifidum

Hieracium bifidum


Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Hieracium bifidum Hornem., Hort. Bot. Hafn.: 761. 1815
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. caloldenense, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. duplicatodentatum, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. inflaticeps, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. laceridentifrons, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. melanochloreilema, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. mesopsis, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. pseudocanitiosiforme, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. pseudocardiobasiforme, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. pseudodollineriforme, nom. inval.
    • Hieracium bifidum subsp. pseudodontophyton, nom. inval.


    Al Au(A L) BH Br Bu Cg Cs Ct Da Es Fe Ga(F) Ge Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(A S) Hu It La Lt Ma Mk No Po Rf(E N NW) Rm Sk Sl Sr Su Uk 

    Euro+Med endemic: Albania nativenativeA,B; Austria, with Liechtenstein (Austria nativenativeB,C, Liechtenstein nativenativeD); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativenativeE; Bulgaria nativenativeB,F; Croatia nativenativeG,H; Czech Republic nativenativeI,J; Denmark nativenativeB; Estonia native; Finland nativenativeB; Former Yugoslavia nativenativeB; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativenativeB,K,L,M); Germany nativenativeB,N; Great Britain nativenativeB; Greece nativenativeB,O; Hungary nativenativeB; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeB (Ireland native, Northern Ireland native); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativenativeB,C,G,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA; Latvia native; Lithuania native; Montenegro native; Morocco native; Netherlands nativeB,N; North Macedonia native; Norway nativenativeB; Poland nativenativeB; Romania nativenativeB,AB; Russia (E European Russia native, N European Russia native, NW European Russia native); Serbia, with Kosovo nativenativeAC; Slovakia native; Slovenia nativenativeAD; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (Andorra nativeAE, Spain nativeAE,AF,AG); Sweden nativenativeB; Switzerland nativenativeB,R,S,Z; Ukraine native; Ukraine, with Crimea native

    Common Names

    Croatian (Croatia): Viličasta runjikaAH; French (France): Épervière bifideAI, Épervière à tige bifideAI; French (Switzerland): Epervière bifideAJ; German (Germany): Gabel-HabichtskrautAK; German (Switzerland): Gabeliges HabichtskrautAL; Italian (Italy): Sparviere incisoY; Italian (Switzerland): Sparviere incisoAM; Polish (Poland): Jastrzębiec sinyAN; Slovenian (Slovenia): Razcepljena škržolicaAO


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    C. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. caloldenense)
    D. Seitter, H. 1977: Die Flora des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. – Vaduz
    E. Beck, G. 1983: Flora Bosnae et Hercegovinae [Flora Bosne, Hercegovine i novipazarskog sandžaka] 4(4) [Slišković, T.]. – Sarajevo (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. bifidum)
    F. Stojanov, N. & Stefanov, B. 1967: Flora na Bălgarija, 4 [Stojanov, N., Stefanov, B. & Kitanov, B.], 2. – Sofija (as Hieracium bifidum aggr.)
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    P. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. duplicatodentatum)
    Q. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. inflaticeps)
    R. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. laceridentifrons)
    S. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. melanochloreilema)
    T. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. mesopsis)
    U. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. pseudocanitiosiforme)
    V. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. pseudocardiobasiforme)
    W. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. pseudodollineriforme)
    X. Ascherson, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. R. P. P. 1930–1935: Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 12(2) [Zahn, K. H.]. – Leipzig (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. pseudodontophyton)
    Y. Pignatti, S. 1982: Flora d'Italia 3. – Bologna
    Z. Schinz, H. & Keller, R. 1914: Flora der Schweiz, ed. 3, 2. – Zürich (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. bifidum)
    AA. Zangheri, P. 1976: Flora italica 1 (Testo). – Padova
    AB. Ciocârlan, V. 1990: Flora ilustrata a României 2. – Bucureşti: Editura Ceres (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. bifidum)
    AC. Josifović, M. 1986: Flora SR Srbije 10 (Dodatak 2) [Sarić, M. R. & Diklić, N.]. – Beograd: Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosni (as Hieracium bifidum subsp. bifidum)
    AD. Martinčič, A. & Sušnik, F. 1969: Mala flora Slovenije. – Ljubljana
    AE. Castroviejo, S. 2017: Flora Iberica 16(2). – Madrid
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    AJ. Aeschimann, D. & Heitz, C. 1996: Index synonymique de la flore de Suisse et territoires limitrophes (ISFS). – Genève (as Hieracium bifidum aggr.)
    AK. Rothmaler, W. H. P. 2005: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 4: Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band, ed. 10. – München
    AL. Aeschimann, D. & Heitz, C. 1996: Synonymie-Index der Schweizer Flora und der angenzenden Gebiete (as Hieracium bifidum aggr.)
    AM. Aeschimann, D. & Heitz, C. 1996: Indice sinonimico della Flora della Svizzera e territori limitrofi (as Hieracium bifidum aggr.)
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