Sisymbrium erysimoides

Sisymbrium erysimoides


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Brassicaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Sisymbrium erysimoides Desf., Fl. Atlant. 2: 84. 1798
    • =Sisymbrium rigidulum Lag., Gen. Sp. Pl.: 20. 1816
    • =Pachypodium erysimoides (Desf.) Webb & Berthel., Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries 3(2,1): 75. 1836


    Ag Bl(I M N) dCa(C F G H L P T) Eg Hs(S) Ir Jo Li dLu Ma Md(D M P) Sa ?Si(S) Sn Tn [Az(F T)] 

    Euro+Med not endemic: Algeria nativeA; Azores (Faial introducedB,C, Terceira introducedB,C); Baleares nativeD (Ibiza nativeC,E, Mallorca nativeC,E,F, Menorca nativeG); Canary islands (Fuerteventura native: doubtfully nativeB,H, Gomera native: doubtfully nativeB,H, Gran Canaria native: doubtfully nativeB,H, Hierro native: doubtfully nativeB,H, La Palma native: doubtfully nativeH, Lanzarote native: doubtfully nativeB,H, Tenerife native: doubtfully nativeB,H); Egypt nativeA,I; Israel/Palestine nativeJ; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativeK; Jordan nativeL; Libya nativeA; Madeira archipelago (Desertas nativeM, Madeira island nativeB,N, Porto Santo nativeB,N); Morocco nativeA,O; Portugal native: doubtfully nativeA,C,D; Sardinia nativeC,D; Sicily, with Malta (Sicily native: presence questionableA); Sinai nativeA; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeA,D (Spain nativeC,E,F); Tunisia nativeA

    Common Names

    Spanish; Castilian (Spain): rábano falsoP


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