Anisantha madritensis

Anisantha madritensis


Source: Valdés, B. & Scholz, H.; with contributions from Raab-Straube, E. von & Parolly, G. (2009+): Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Anisantha madritensis (L.) Nevski in Trudy Sredne-Aziatsk. Gosud. Univ., ser. 8b, Bot. 17: 21. 1934
  • Bromus madritensis L., Cent. Pl. 1: 5. 1755
  • Zerna madritensis (L.) Panz. in Denkschr. Königl. Akad. Wiss. München: 1813. 1814
  • =Bromus villosus Forssk., Fl. Aegypt. Arab.: 23. 1775
  • =Bromus fischeri De Cugnac & A. Camus in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 78: 339. 1931
  • =Bromus darderi Sennen, Diagn. Nov.: 208. 1936


AE(G) Ab(A) Ag Al BH Be Bl(I M N) Bu Ca(C F G H L P T) Cg Cm Co Cr Ct Cy Eg Ga(F) Gg Gr Hs(A S) Ir It Jo Li Lu Ma Md(D M P) Rf(CS E) Sa Si(S) Sl Sn Sy Tn Tu(A E) [Az(C F G J L M P S T) Br aBt aCs Ge Hb(E) He nHo Hu aNo] 

Euro+Med not endemicA,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L: Albania nativenativeM,N,O; Algeria nativenativeP,Q; Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) native); Azores (Corvo introduced, Faial introduced, Flores introduced, Graciosa introduced, Pico introduced, Santa Maria introduced, São Jorge introduced, São Miguel introduced, Terceira introduced); Baleares (Ibiza nativenativeR, Mallorca nativenativeR, Menorca nativenativeR); Baltic states, with Kaliningrad region casual; Belgium, with Luxembourg native; Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeS; Bulgaria nativenativeO,T; Canary islands native (Fuerteventura nativenativeU, Gomera nativenativeU, Gran Canaria nativenativeU, Hierro nativeU, La Palma nativenativeU, Lanzarote nativenativeU, Tenerife nativenativeU); Corsica nativenativeB,E,F,O,V,W; Crete, with Karpathos nativenativeO; Crimea nativenativeO,X; Croatia nativenativeY,Z; Cyprus nativenativeH,L; Czech Republic casualAA; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands nativenativeC); Egypt nativenativeAB,AC; Former Yugoslavia nativenativeO; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativenativeF,O (France nativeW); Georgia nativenativeAD; Germany introducedAE,AF; Great Britain introducedintroducedO; Greece nativenativeO; Hungary introducedintroducedAG,AH; Ireland, with N Ireland introducedintroducedO (Ireland introducedintroducedAI); Israel/Palestine nativeAJ,AK; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativenativeJ; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativenativeI,O,AL; Jordan nativeAK,AM; Lebanon-Syria nativenativeJ; Libya nativenativeD,P; Madeira archipelago native (Desertas nativenativeU, Madeira island nativenativeU, Porto Santo nativenativeU); Montenegro nativeAN,AO; Morocco nativenativeG,P,AP; Netherlands naturalisedAQ; Norway casual; Portugal nativenativeO,AR; Russia (E European Russia native, North Caucasus native); Sardinia nativenativeAL; Sicily, with Malta nativenativeI,O (Sicily nativenativeO,AL); Sinai nativenativeAC,AK,AS; Slovenia nativenativeI; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativenativeA,O (Andorra nativeAT, Spain nativenativeAU); Switzerland introducedintroducedAV,AW,AX; Syria nativeAK; Tunisia nativenativeK,P; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativenativeC,AY, Turkey-in-Europe nativenativeO,AY); Ukraine, with Crimea nativenativeAZ

Common Names

Basque (Spain): bas-oloaBA; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): blat del diableBA; Finnish (Finland): nuokkukattaraBB; Hebrew (Israel): בְּרוֹמִית סְפָרַדִּיתBC; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): balliscoBA, espiguilla de burroBA, espiguillasBA, gramineaBA, gramíneaBA, rabo de acaBA; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): spansklostaBB; Valencian (Spain): espigadellaBA, romp-sacBA


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