Potentilla intermedia

Potentilla intermedia


Source: Kurtto, A. (2009+): Rosaceae (pro parte majore). In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Potentilla intermedia L., Mant. Pl.: 76. 1767
    • =Potentilla visurgina Rchb., Fl. Germ. Excurs. 2(2): 871. 1832
    • =Potentilla digitatoflabellata A. Braun & C. D. Bouché, Append. Gen. Sp. Hort. Berol.: 3. 1851
    • =Potentilla heidenreichii Zimmeter in Jahresber. K. K. Staats-Ober-Realschule Steyr 14: 10. 1884
    • Potentilla intermedia subsp. heidenreichii (Zimmeter) Tzvelev in Novosti Sist. Vysš. Rast. 32: 184. 2000
    • "Potentilla adscendens" auct.
    • "Potentilla canescens" auct.
    • "Potentilla inclinata" auct.


    By Es dFe La Rf(C CS E K N NW S) Sk Uk [Au Be(B) Br Cs aDa Ga nGe He nHo nIt Lt No Po Su] 

    Euro+Med not endemicA: Austria, with Liechtenstein introducedB; Belarus nativeC; Belgium, with Luxembourg (Belgium introducedB,C); Czech Republic introducedD,E,F; Denmark casualB,G; Estonia nativeH; Finland native: doubtfully nativeI,J; France, with Channel is. and Monaco introducedB,K; Germany naturalisedB,L,M,N,O,P; Great Britain introducedB,C; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City naturalisedQ; Latvia nativeH; Lithuania introducedH,R; Netherlands naturalisedS; Norway introducedB,C,T; Poland introducedB,U; Russia (C European Russia nativeC, E European Russia nativeC, Kaliningrad region nativeC, N European Russia nativeC, NW European Russia nativeC, North Caucasus nativeV, S European Russia nativeC); Slovakia nativeD,E,W,X; Sweden introducedB,Y,Z; Switzerland introducedB,C,AA,AB; Ukraine nativeC; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeAC,AD

    Common Names

    Finnish (Finland): huhtahanhikkiAE; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): finsk fingerörtAE


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    B. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    C. Kurtto, A. & al. (ed.) 2004: Atlas Florae Europaeae 13. – Helsinki
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    J. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (as Potentilla heidenreichii Zimmeter)
    K. Guinochet, M. & Vilmorin, R. de 1984: Flore de France 5
    M. Hand, R., Thieme, M. & Mitarbeiter 2022: Florenliste von Deutschland (Gefäßpflanzen), begründet von Karl Peter Buttler, Version 12 – https://www.kp-buttler.de
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    Q. Galasso, G. & al. 2018: An updated checklist of the vascular flora alien to Italy. – Pl. Biosystems 152: 556-592. https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2018.1441197
    R. Kurtto, A. & al. (ed.) 2004: Atlas Florae Europaeae 13. – Helsinki (as Potentilla heidenreichii Zimmeter)
    S. Duistermaat, H., Sparrius, L. B. & Denters, T. 2021: Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse flora 2020. – Gorteria; mededelingenblad ten dienste van de floristiek en het vegetatie-onderzoek van Nederland 43: 109-156
    T. Lid, D. T. 1994: Norsk Flora, ed. 6. – Oslo
    U. Mirek, Z. 1995: Vascular plants of Poland. A Checklist. – Polish Botanical Studies Guidebook Series 15
    V. Murtazaliev, R. A., Kechaykin, A. A., Vaganov, A. V., Tatanov, I. & Shmakov, A. I. 2023: Tribe Potentilleae (except for Alchemilla; Rosaceae) in the flora of the Republic of Dagestan: conspectus, distribution, identification key. – Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 54(e01): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.31111/novitates%2f2023.54.01
    W. Futák, J. 1992: Flóra Slovenska IV(3)
    X. Marhold, K. & Hindák, F. 1998: Zoznam nižších a vyšších rastlín Slovenska. – Bratislava
    Y. Karlsson, T. 1998: Förteckning över svenska kärlväxter. – Svensk botanisk tidskrift utgifven af svenska botaniska föreningen 91(5): 241-560
    Z. Krok, T. O. B. N. & Almquist, S. O. I. 1994: Svensk Flora: Fanerogamer och ormbunksvaxter 27, ed. 27. – Stockholm
    AA. Aeschimann, D. & Burdet, H. M. 1994: Flore de la Suisse, ed. 2. – Neuchâtel
    AB. Hess, H. E. 1998: Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete, ed. 4. – Basel, Boston & Berlin
    AC. Mosyakin, S. L. & Fedoronchuk, M. M. 1999: Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist. – Kiev: M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (as Potentilla heidenreichii Zimmeter)
    AD. Prokudin, J. N. 1987: Opredelitel’ vysših rastenij Ukrainy. – Kiev: Naukova Dumka (as Potentilla heidenreichii Zimmeter)
    AE. Kurtto, A., Lampinen, R., Piirainen, M. & Uotila, P. 2019: Checklist of the vascular plants of Finland. Suomen putkilokasvien luettelo. – Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS