Cynoglossum creticum
Source: Valdés, B. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2011+): Boraginaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Cynoglossum creticum, Gard. Dict., ed. 8: Cynoglossum no. 3. 1768 wfo-0000633973
- =Cynoglossum pictum, Hort. Kew. 1: 179. 1789 wfo-0000634181
- =Cynoglossum siculum, Suppl. Fl. Sicul. Prodr.: 52. 1832 wfo-0000634224
- =Cynoglossum atlanticum in Bot. Not. 80: 275. 1922 wfo-00006339181
AE Ag Al Ar Az(G L M P S T) Bl(I M N) Bu Ca(C G P T) Cm Co Cr Ct Cy Ga Gr He Hs(S) Ir It Jo Lu Ma Md(M P) Mo Rm Sa Si(M S) Sl Sr Sy Tn Tu(A E)
Euro+Med not endemicA: Albania nativeB,C,D,E; Algeria nativeD; Armenia nativeF; Azores (Flores nativeG, Graciosa nativeG, Pico nativeG, Santa Maria nativeG, São Miguel nativeG, Terceira nativeG); Baleares nativeD,E,H,I (Ibiza nativeJ, Mallorca nativeJ, Menorca nativeJ); Bulgaria nativeD,E,K,L; Canary islands (Gomera nativeG, Gran Canaria nativeG, La Palma nativeG, Tenerife nativeG); Corsica nativeD,E; Crete, with Karpathos nativeD,E; Crimea nativeD,E,M,N; Croatia nativeO,P; Cyprus nativeD; East Aegean islands nativeD; Former Yugoslavia nativeD,E; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativeD,E; Greece nativeD,E; Israel/Palestine nativeQ,R,S; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativeD; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeD,E; Jordan nativeR,T; Lebanon-Syria nativeD; Madeira archipelago nativeG (Madeira island nativeG, Porto Santo nativeG); Moldova nativeM; Morocco nativeD; Portugal nativeD,E,U; Romania nativeE,V; Sardinia nativeD,E; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeW; Sicily, with Malta nativeE (Malta nativeD, Sicily nativeD); Slovenia nativeX; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeD,E (Spain nativeH,Y); Switzerland nativeZ,AA; Syria nativeR; Tunisia nativeD; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeD, Turkey-in-Europe nativeD,E); Ukraine, with Crimea nativeM,N,AB
Common Names
Aragonese (Spain): hierba del riñónAC, lengua de perroAC; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): aferragósAC, besneulaAC, cinoglossaAC, llapasseraAC, llengua d'ovellaAC, llengua de caAC, llengua de càAC, llengua de cáAC, llengua de gosAC, llepaseraAC, maneulaAC; Galician (Spain): lingua de canAC; High Aragonese (Spain): carrucheraAC, lengua de perroAC, yerba del riñónAC; Majorcan (Baleares): llapassaAC, llapasseraAC; Majorcan (Mallorca): llapaseraAC, llapassaAC, llapasseraAC, llengua de caAC, llengua de cáAC, llepaseraAC; Portuguese (Portugal): cinoglossa de flor listadoAC, cinoglossa-de-flor-listadaAC, cinoglossa-de-flor-riscadaAC, cynoglossa de flor listradaAC, cynoglossa de flor riscadaAC, lengua de caôAC, mareacavalloAC, matacavalloAC, orelha de lebreAC, orelha-de-lebreAC; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): cinoglosaAC, cinogloso azulAC, conejeraAC, cynoglosaAC, hoja de chuzónAC, lapillaAC, lengua de perroAC, lengua de perro espigadaAC, lenguaza bordeAC, oreja de liebreAC, vinieblaAC, viniebla altaAC, viniebla verdeAC, viniegaAC; Valencian (Spain): aferragósAC, berneulaAC, besneulaAC, herba capçoteraAC, llengua d'ovellaAC, llengua de caAC, llengua de ovellaAC, llengua d´ovellaAC, minyeulaAC, verneulaAC, visneulaAC
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