Ajuga chamaepitys

Ajuga chamaepitys


Source: 2010: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (2010), copyright © The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb., Pl. Verticill. Unilab. Gen. Sp.: 24. 1774
  • Teucrium chamaepitys L., Sp. Pl.: 565. 1753
  • Bugula chamaepithys (L.) Scop., Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 1: 416. 1771
  • Chamaepitys vulgaris Link, Handbuch 1: 453. 1829
  • Bulga chamaepitys (L.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 512. 1891


AE(G) Ag Al Au Be(B †L) Bl Bu Cm Cy Cz Ga Ge Gr He †Ho Hs Hu IJ It Ju LS Lu Ma Po Rf(C CS S) Rm Sa Si Sn Tcs Tn Tu(A E) Uk 

Euro+Med: Albania nativenativeA; Algeria nativenativeA; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativenativeA; Baleares nativenativeA; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativenativeA (Belgium nativeB, Luxembourg native: formerly nativeC); Bulgaria nativenativeA; Crimea nativenativeA; Cyprus nativenativeA; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands nativenativeA); Former Czechoslovakia nativenativeA; Former Yugoslavia nativenativeA; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativenativeA; Germany nativenativeA; Greece nativenativeA; Hungary nativenativeA; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativenativeA; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativenativeA; Lebanon-Syria nativenativeA; Morocco nativenativeA; Netherlands native: formerly nativeA; Poland nativenativeA; Portugal nativenativeA; Romania nativenativeA; Russia (C European Russia native, North Caucasus nativenativeA, S European Russia nativenativeA); Sardinia nativenativeA; Sicily, with Malta nativenativeA; Sinai nativenativeA; South Caucasus nativenativeA; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativenativeA; Switzerland nativenativeA; Tunisia nativenativeA; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativenativeA, Turkey-in-Europe nativenativeA); Ukraine nativenativeA

Common Names

Aragonese (Spain): camepiteosD; Basque (Spain): atxeribustanD, estañu-belarrD, eztañu-belarD, luki-bedarrD, luki-buztanD, mulliscaD, piñusaD; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): artèticaD, artéticaD, herba de cireraD, herba de rabatoD, herba de retorçóD, herba del torçóD, herba feleraD, herba flateraD, ivaD, iva artèticaD, iva artéticaD, retorçóD, torçóD; Galician (Spain): herba das xuntasD; Majorcan (Mallorca): camepiteosD, ivetaD; Portuguese (Portugal): abigaD, camepiteD, chamepiteD, iva bastardaD; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): ajugaD, camapiteosD, camapíteosD, camepiteoD, camepiteosD, camepitioD, camepytisD, camepíteosD, encinilla picudaD, hierba artéticaD, hierba baceraD, hierba de las junturasD, hierba del corazónD, ivaD, iva artríticaD, iva artéticaD, iva mayorD, iva menorD, iva moscadaD, iva muscataD, pinilloD, pinillo de AntígolaD, pinillo de las piedrasD, pinillo huecoD, pinillo olorosoD, pinillo rastreroD, yerba artéticaD, yerba de junturasD, yerba de las junturasD, yerba del clinD; Valencian (Spain): herba feleraD


A. Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
B. Lambinon, J. & Verloove, F. 2012: Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du nord de la France et des régions voisines (Ptéridophytes et Spermatophytes), ed. 6. – Meise
C. Colling, G. 2005: Red List of the Vascular Plants of Luxembourg. – Ferrantia 42
D. anonymous 2010: Anthos. Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad – http://www.anthos.es/