Ranunculus tripartitus

Ranunculus tripartitus


Source: Hörandl, E. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2015+): Ranunculeae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ranunculus tripartitus DC., Icon. Pl. Gall. Rar. 1: 15. 1808
  • Batrachium tripartitum (DC.) Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 721. 1821
  • =Ranunculus petiveri W. D. J. Koch in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl. Abt. I, 82: t. 2. 1840
  • Batrachium petiveri (W. D. J. Koch) F. W. Schultz, Arch. Fl. France Allem.: 71. 1844
  • =Ranunculus tripartitus var. minoriflorus Pau in Font Quer, Iter Marocc. 1929: [in schedis] No. 155. 1930
  • Ranunculus aquatilis subsp. minoriflorus (Pau) Maire, Fl. Afrique N. 11: 122. 1964
  • "Batrachium obtusiflorum" sensu Gray 18211
  • 1. Gray, S. F. 1821: A natural arrangement of British plants 2. – London


Ag BH †Be Br Bu Ct Ga(F) -Ge -Gr Hb(E) Ho Hs(S) Lu Ma Mk SM Sa ?Si(S) Sl [aCa] 

Euro+Med endemic: Algeria nativeA; Belgium, with Luxembourg native: formerly nativeB,C; Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeD; Bulgaria nativeD; Canary islands casualA; Croatia nativeD,E,F; Former Yugoslavia native: reported in errorG; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativeC,G (France nativeH); Germany native: reported in errorI,J,K,L; Great Britain nativeC,M,N,O; Greece native: reported in errorP; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeC (Ireland nativeM,N,O,Q); Morocco nativeA,G,R,S,T; Netherlands nativeC,U; North Macedonia nativeD; Portugal nativeC,G,V; Sardinia nativeW; Serbia, with Kosovo and Montenegro nativeX; Sicily, with Malta (Sicily native: presence questionableY); Slovenia nativeZ; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeC,G (Spain nativeV,AA)


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