Ficus carica

Ficus carica


Source: Uotila, P. (2011+): Moraceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ficus carica L., Sp. Pl.: 1059. 1753
    • =Ficus caprificus Risso, Fl. Nice: 434. 1844
    • =Ficus hyrcana Grossh. in Izvest. Azerbaidzhansk. Fil. 1-2: 111. 1939


    AE Ab(A) Ag Al Ar dBH Bl(I M N) Co Cr Ct Cy Ga Gg Gr dHs(A dG dS) Ir It Jo Le dLi Ma Rf(CS) Sa Si(M S) Sn Sy Tn Tu(A E) Uk [nAu(A) nAz(C F G J L M P S T) nBr nBu dCa(C F G H L P T) aCg nCm aCs pEg Ga(nC F) nGe nHb(pE) nHe Ho nHu nLu nMd(D M P) nMk cMo aPo nRm aSk Sl Sr] 

    Euro+Med not endemicA,B,C: Albania nativeD,E; Algeria nativeF; Armenia nativeG,H; Austria, with Liechtenstein naturalisedI (Austria naturalisedJ); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) nativeK,L,M); Azores naturalisedI,N (Corvo naturalisedN,O,P, Faial naturalisedN,O,P, Flores naturalisedN,O,P, Graciosa naturalisedN,O,P, Pico naturalisedN,O,P, Santa Maria naturalisedN,O,P, São Jorge naturalisedN,O,P, São Miguel naturalisedN,O,P, Terceira naturalisedN,O,P); Baleares nativeF,Q (Ibiza nativeR, Mallorca nativeR, Menorca nativeR,S); Bosnia-Herzegovina native: doubtfully nativeT; Bulgaria naturalisedF,T; Canary islands introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)N (Fuerteventura introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)N,U, Gomera introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)N,U, Gran Canaria introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)N,U, Hierro introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)N,U, La Palma introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)N,U, Lanzarote introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)N,U, Tenerife introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)N,U); Corsica nativeF,V; Crete, with Karpathos nativeF,I,T,W,X; Crimea naturalisedF,I,Y; Croatia nativeAA,AB,Z; Cyprus nativeC,F; Czech Republic casualAC; East Aegean islands nativeF; Egypt introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationA; Former Yugoslavia native: doubtfully nativeI; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativeF (Channel islands naturalisedAD, France introducedAE); Georgia nativeAF,AG,G; Germany naturalisedT; Great Britain naturalisedAD,AH,I; Greece nativeB,F,I,T,W; Hungary naturalisedAI,I; Ireland, with N Ireland naturalisedAD (Ireland introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationAH); Israel/Palestine nativenativeAJ,AK,AL; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativenativeF; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeAM,F,I,T; Jordan nativeAK,AL,AN; Lebanon native; Lebanon-Syria nativenativeF; Libya native: doubtfully nativeF; Madeira archipelago naturalisedN (Desertas naturalisedAO,N, Madeira island naturalisedAO,N, Porto Santo naturalisedAO,N); Moldova cultivatedAA; Montenegro casualAP; Morocco nativeAQ,F; Netherlands introducedAR; North Macedonia naturalisedT; Poland casualAS; Portugal naturalisedAT; Romania naturalisedT; Russia (North Caucasus nativeG); Sardinia nativeF,I,T; Serbia, with Kosovo introducedAU,W; Sicily, with Malta nativeI (Malta nativeAV,AW,AX,F, Sicily nativeAY,F,T); Sinai nativenativeAL,F; Slovakia casualAC; Slovenia introducedAZ; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra native: doubtfully nativeF,I (Andorra nativeBA, Gibraltar native: doubtfully nativeBB,BC, Spain native: doubtfully nativeBD,Q,T); Switzerland naturalisedBE,I; Syria nativenativeAL; Tunisia nativeBF,F; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativenativeBG,F, Turkey-in-Europe nativeBG,F); Ukraine nativeBH

    Common Names

    Aragonese (Spain): figa (fruto)BI, figas (fruto)BI, figoneraBI, figoneroBI, figons (fruto)BI, figos (fruto)BI, figuerBI, figueraBI, higo (fruto)BI, higueraBI, higuera silvestreBI; Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese (Spain): brevalBI, figalBI, figarBI, figar de San MiguelBI, figar de brevesBI, figar de figos miguelinosBI, figar miguelinaBI, figoBI, figos miguelinosBI, figos negrosBI, figuBI, figueiraBI, figueraBI, h.igarBI, h.igar brevalBI, h.igar miguelinaBI, h.igar montésBI, h.igoBI, higarBI, higoBI, higosBI, higos de San MiguelBI, higueraBI; Basque (Spain): basa-pikotzeBI, baso-pikotzeBI, bikondoBI, bikuBI, ikoBI, phikotzeBI, picoaBI, picoarraBI, picotzeaBI, picuaBI, piko-arraBI, piko-hondoBI, piko-ondoBI, pikoarrBI, pikondoBI, pikondoaBI, pikotzeBI, pikuBI, sorgin-picoBI, sorgin-pikoBI, uzkapikoBI, uztapicaBI, uztapikoBI; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): bacoraBI, cabra-figueraBI, cabraficBI, cabrafigaBI, cabrafigueraBI, cabrahigoBI, fic blancalBI, fic cametaBI, fic poletanesBI, fic ull de perdiuBI, fic verdalBI, figaBI, figa/figuesBI, figueBI, figuerBI, figueraBI, figuera bordaBI, figuera comunaBI, figuera de cristiàBI, figuesBI, vern bordBI; Finnish (Finland): aitoviikunaBJ; Galician (Spain): baforeiraBI, breveiraBI, cabrafigoBI, figoBI, figueiraBI, figueira bravaBI, figueira de tocarBI, figueira-bravaBI, figueira-de-tocarBI, figueira-mansaBI, gromo de figueiraBI; Greek, Modern (1453-) (East Aegean Islands): αγριοσυκιάBK, συκιάBK; Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): ΣουκιάBL, ΣυκιάBL; Majorcan (Mallorca): figueraBI, figuera bordaBI, figuera de cristiàBI, figuera de cristiáBI; Portuguese (Portugal): baforeiraBI, figoBI, figueiraBI, figueira baforeiraBI, figueira bravaBI, figueira de tocarBI, figueira mansaBI, figueira mansa da EuropaBI, figueira ordinariaBI, figueira-bravaBI, figueira-de-tocarBI, figueira-mansaBI, higo bacoriñoBI, higo lampoBI, higo lampâoBI, higo mariscaBI, higo melarBI, higo ribanchioBI, higo ribranchioBI, higo vendimiaoBI; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): Higos moraosBI, albacoraBI, añogalesBI, añoralBI, bacoraBI, blancaBI, blanquillaBI, brebas (fruto)BI, brevaBI, breva blancaBI, breva negraBI, brevalBI, brevalaBI, brevaloBI, brevasBI, breveraBI, brevoBI, cabrahigoBI, cabrahigueraBI, cornicabraBI, eñoralBI, figalBI, figarBI, figoBI, figoneraBI, figuBI, figueiraBI, figuerBI, figueraBI, franciscanaBI, gallozaBI, godenesBI, higalBI, higarBI, higas (fruto)BI, higeraBI, higoBI, higo GabrielaBI, higo LepéBI, higo agrilloBI, higo agroBI, higo albarBI, higo albarazBI, higo albiceratoBI, higo algarbeBI, higo blancoBI, higo bocalBI, higo borcejoteBI, higo bujarasolBI, higo burchasoteBI, higo burjasolBI, higo castaBI, higo celidonioBI, higo coloradoBI, higo cordobilBI, higo cotioBI, higo cuello de palomaBI, higo de San MiguelBI, higo de florBI, higo de fraileBI, higo de rey doñigalBI, higo de rey oñigalBI, higo del buen varónBI, higo diente de muertoBI, higo doradoBI, higo doñegalBI, higo franciscanoBI, higo frentudoBI, higo gironetaBI, higo gombairaBI, higo gombaireBI, higo gordoBI, higo lecheroBI, higo llongarBI, higo locoBI, higo longarBI, higo martinencoBI, higo martinengoBI, higo meladoBI, higo melarBI, higo moradoBI, higo moscatel comúnBI, higo moscatel realBI, higo napolitanoBI, higo negrilloBI, higo negroBI, higo orihueloBI, higo oñegalBI, higo palopalBI, higo pardoBI, higo parejalBI, higo pata de mulaBI, higo pedralBI, higo perolasoBI, higo perolaso largueadoBI, higo perolaso redondoBI, higo pintoBI, higo portuguésBI, higo rayadoBI, higo rejaníBI, higo rojoBI, higo sabe-la-hojaBI, higo santiagueroBI, higo sayueloBI, higo setembrinoBI, higo sopa en vinoBI, higo tardíoBI, higo tempranoBI, higo vacalarBI, higo verdal comúnBI, higo verdal de OrihuelaBI, higo verdejoBI, higo violadoBI, higo ÁngelaBI, higosBI, higos (fruto)BI, higos negralesBI, higos verdalesBI, higos verdesBI, higuBI, higueraBI, higuera Juan TrancaBI, higuera blancaBI, higuera bordeBI, higuera bravaBI, higuera bravíaBI, higuera brevalBI, higuera comúnBI, higuera cristiáBI, higuera cultivadaBI, higuera de San JuanBI, higuera de San MiguelBI, higuera de chascoBI, higuera locaBI, higuera mansaBI, higuera marraneraBI, higuera negraBI, higuera rayáBI, higuera silvestreBI, higuera valencianaBI, higueroBI, iñoralBI, jayuelosBI, jigarBI, macocaBI, martilencaBI, napolitanaBI, pajareraBI, pellejo toroBI, pámpanaBI, rojetaBI, toreraBI, vacabonaBI, verdalBI, verdejaBI, zajorilBI, ñoralBI; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): fikonBJ; Valencian (Spain): figa (fruto)BI, figas (fruto)BI, figueraBI


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