Echium vulgare
Source: Valdés, B. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2011+): Boraginaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Echium vulgare, Sp. Pl.: 139. 1753 wfo-0000663145
- =Echium wierzbickii, Fl. Germ. Excurs.: 336. 1832 wfo-0000663157
- =Echium asturicum in Cavanillesia 1: 8. 1928 wfo-0000662690
- ≡Echium vulgare subsp. asturicum in Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe 11: 704. 1962
- –Echium lycopsis, Fl. Angl.: 12. 1754, nom. rej. wfo-0000662915
AE Al Ar Au(A) Be(B L) -Bl Br Bu By Cg Cm Co -Cr Cs Ct Cy Da Es Ga(C F) Gg Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(A S) Hu It La Lt Lu Mo Po Rf(C CS E K NW S) Rm Sa Si(-M S) Sk Sl Sr Su Tu(A E) Uk [Fe Ge aIs nNo Rf(N)]
Euro+Med not endemicA: Albania native ‒ nativeB,C,D,E; Armenia native ‒ nativeF; Austria, with Liechtenstein native ‒ nativeE (Austria native ‒ nativeG); Baleares native: reported in errorD; Belarus native ‒ nativeH; Belgium, with Luxembourg native ‒ nativeE (Belgium nativeI, Luxembourg native ‒ nativeI,J); Bulgaria native ‒ native ‒ nativeD,E,K,L,M; Corsica native ‒ nativeD,E; Crete, with Karpathos native: reported in errorD; Crimea native ‒ nativeD,E,H; Croatia native ‒ nativeN,O; Cyprus native ‒ nativeD; Czech Republic native ‒ nativeP,Q,R; Denmark native ‒ nativeE,S; East Aegean islands native ‒ nativeD; Estonia native ‒ nativeH,T; Finland introduced ‒ introducedE,U; Former Yugoslavia native ‒ nativeD,E; France, with Channel is. and Monaco native ‒ nativeD,E (Channel islands nativeV,W, France native); Georgia nativeX,Y; Germany introduced ‒ introducedE,Z,AA,AB; Great Britain native ‒ native ‒ nativeE,V,W; Greece native ‒ nativeD,E; Hungary native ‒ nativeE,AC,AD; Iceland casualAE,AF; Ireland, with N Ireland native ‒ native ‒ nativeE,W (Ireland native ‒ native ‒ nativeV,AG, Northern Ireland nativeV); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native ‒ native ‒ nativeD,E,AH; Latvia native ‒ nativeH,T; Lithuania native ‒ nativeH,T; Moldova native ‒ nativeH,AI; Montenegro native ‒ native ‒ nativeAJ; Netherlands native ‒ nativeE,AK,AL; Norway naturalisedAM; Poland native ‒ nativeE,AN; Portugal native ‒ nativeD,E,AO; Romania native ‒ nativeE,AP; Russia (C European Russia native ‒ nativeH, E European Russia native ‒ nativeH, Kaliningrad region native ‒ nativeH, N European Russia introduced ‒ introducedH, NW European Russia native ‒ nativeH, North Caucasus native ‒ nativeAQ, S European Russia native ‒ nativeH); Sardinia native ‒ native ‒ nativeD,E,AH; Serbia, with Kosovo native ‒ nativeAR; Sicily, with Malta native ‒ nativeE (Malta native: reported in errorD, Sicily native ‒ native ‒ nativeD,AH); Slovakia native ‒ nativeP,Q,AS,AT; Slovenia native ‒ nativeAU; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra native ‒ nativeD,E (Andorra native ‒ nativeAV, Spain native ‒ nativeAW); Sweden native ‒ nativeE,AX,AY; Switzerland native ‒ nativeE,AZ,BA; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part native ‒ nativeD, Turkey-in-Europe native ‒ nativeD,E); Ukraine native ‒ nativeAQ; Ukraine, with Crimea native ‒ nativeH,BB,BC
Common Names
Aragonese (Spain): botón de gatoBD, culebreraBD, hierba cerrudaBD, ierba zerrudaBD, viboreraBD; Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese (Spain): cardosaBD, cardosinaBD, cardosínBD, chupamielBD, h.ortiga montesinaBD, hierba de las siete sangríasBD; Basque (Spain): idimiaBD, sugegorri-belarraBD, susegorri-belarBD; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): baldofaBD, bigalosaBD, bolenc bortBD, bolengBD, bolenga bordaBD, borraina bordaBD, borratja bordaBD, borratxa bordaBD, bovinaBD, cerradetaBD, cua de porcBD, cul de porcBD, herba de la vibraBD, herba de la víboraBD, herba del vibreBD, herba peludaBD, herba viboreraBD, herba viperinaBD, herba vivoreraBD, herva de la víboraBD, llengua bovinaBD, llengua bovina bordaBD, llengua de bouBD, viboreraBD, viperinaBD; Finnish (Finland): (kylä)neidonkieliBE; Galician (Spain): borralla bravaBD, borrascaBD, borraxaBD, borraxa bravaBD, borraxa bravíaBD, borraxonBD, borraxónBD, erva viperinaBD, herba viboreiraBD, leituga bravaBD, lobermaBD, lobermeBD, soaxeBD, suaxesBD, suazBD, viperinaBD, xoáBD; High Aragonese (Spain): culebreraBD, yerba zerrudaBD; Icelandic (Iceland): NaðurkollurAE; Majorcan (Mallorca): viperinaBD; Portuguese (Portugal): borralla bravaBD, borraxa bravaBD, borraxónBD, chupamelBD, erva da víboraBD, erva viperinaBD, erva-viperinaBD, herva da víboraBD, lingoa de boiBD, lingoa de vacaBD, lingoa de vaca bravaBD, soaxeBD, viperinaBD, viperina ordinariaBD; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): abaleaBD, boninosBD, buglosa salvajeBD, cardoBD, chupamielBD, hierba de la víboraBD, hierba viboreraBD, jarritaBD, lengua de bueyBD, lengua de buey salvageBD, lengua de buey salvajeBD, lengua de vacaBD, lenguardiaBD, lenguazaBD, viboreraBD, viborera comúnBD, viborera moradaBD, viperinaBD, vivorera moradaBD, yapazosBD, yerba de la víboraBD; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): blåeldBE; Valencian (Spain): borraina bordaBD, bovinaBD, bugalosaBD, cardet pelutBD, cerradetaBD, cul de porcBD, llengua de bouBD, sardinetaBD, serradetaBD
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