Brocchia cinerea

Brocchia cinerea


Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Brocchia cinerea (Delile) Vis. in Spongia, Comment. Med. 2: 218. 1836
  • Cotula cinerea Delile in Descr. Egypte, Hist. Nat. 2: 275. 1813


Ag Eg Ir Jo Li Ma Sn Tn 

Euro+Med not endemic: Algeria nativeA,B,C,D; Egypt nativeA,E,F,G; Israel/Palestine nativeH; Jordan nativeI,J,K,L,M; Libya nativeA,C,N,O,P; Morocco nativeA,C,Q,R; Sinai nativeE,F,G,J,K,S; Tunisia nativeA,C,T


A. Dobignard, A. & Chatelain, C. 2011: Index synonymique de la flore d’Afrique du Nord 2. Dicotyledoneae: Acanthaceae - Asteraceae. – Genève
B. Mediouni, K.: Elaboration d’un bilan et d’une stratégie nationale de développement durable de la diversité biologique. Tome V: Liste des taxons recensés en Algérie: flore continentale. – [Alger]
C. Ozenda, P. 1977: Flore du Sahara, ed. 2. – Paris (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
D. Quézel, P. A. & Santa, S. 1963: Nouvelle flore de l’Algérie et des régions désertiques méridionales 2. – Paris
E. Boissier, P. E. 1875: Flora orientalis 3. – Genève, Basel & Lyon (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
F. Boulos, L. 2002: Flora of Egypt 3. – Cairo (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
G. Täckholm, V. 1974: Students’ flora of Egypt, ed. 2. – Beirut (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
H. Ben-Natan, D., Fragman-Sapir, O. & Shemesh, B. 2024: Contributions to the Flora Palaestina Region. – Flora Mediterranea 34: 73-94.
I. Al-Eisawi, D. M. 1982: List of Jordan vascular plants. – Mitteilungen (aus) der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 18: 79-182 (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
J. Fragman-Sapir, O., Plitmann, U., Heller, D., Shmida, A. & al. 1999: Checklist and ecological data-base of the flora of Israel and its surroundings including Israel, Jordan, the Palestinian Autonomy, Golan Heights, Mt Hermon and Sinai. – Jerusalem: Dep. of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
K. Post, G. E. 1933: Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai, 2 [Dinsmore, J. E.], 2. – Beirut (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
L. Taifour, H. & El-Oqlah, A. A. 2017: The plants of Jordan. An annotated checklist. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
M. Zohary, M. & Feinbrun-Dothan, N. 1978: Flora Palaestina 3 (Text) [Feinbrun-Dothan, N.]. – Jerusalem (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
N. Ali, S. I. & Jafri, S. M. H. 1983: Flora of Libya 107 [Alavi, S. A.]. – Tripoli (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
O. Boulos, L. 1979: A check-list of the Libyan flora 3. Compositae (by C. Jeffrey). – Candollea 34: 307-332 (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
P. Pampanini, R. 1931: Prodromo della flora cirenaica. – Forlì (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
Q. Fennane, M. & Ibn Tattou, M. 1998: Catalogue des plantes vasculaires rares, menacées ou endémiques du Maroc. – Bocconea 8
R. Jahandiez, É. & Maire, R. C. J. E. 1934: Catalogue des plantes du Maroc 3. – Alger
S. Danin, A., Shmida, A. & Liston, A. 1985: Contributions to the flora of Sinai, III. Checklist of the species collected and recorded by the Jerusalem team 1967-1982. – Willdenowia 15: 255-322 (as Cotula cinerea Delile)
T. Pottier-Alapetite, G. 1981: Flore de la Tunisie 2. – Tunis