Ambrosia trifida

Ambrosia trifida


Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ambrosia trifida L., Sp. Pl.: 987. 1753
    • =Ambrosia integrifolia Willd., Sp. Pl. 3: 375. 1800


    [aAu(A) aBe(B L) pBr Bu aBy aCs Da aEs nGa(F) nGe pGg aHb(E N) aHe pHo nHs(S) aIr nIt aLa pLt aMo aPo Rf(nC aCS nE aK aNW nS) pRm nSk aSl aSr aUk] 

    Euro+Med not endemic: Austria, with Liechtenstein (Austria casualA); Belarus casualB; Belgium, with Luxembourg casualC (Belgium casualD, Luxembourg casualE); Bulgaria introducedF; Czech Republic casualG,H; Denmark introducedI; Estonia casualJ; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France naturalisedK,L,M,N,O,P); Georgia introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationQ,R,S,T,U; Germany naturalisedP,V,W,X; Great Britain introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationY; Ireland, with N Ireland (Ireland casualZ, Northern Ireland casualZ); Israel/Palestine casualAA; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City naturalisedP,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF; Latvia casualJ,AG; Lithuania introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationJ; Moldova casualB; Netherlands introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationAH,AI; Poland casualAJ,AK; Romania introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationAL,AM; Russia (C European Russia naturalisedAN, E European Russia naturalisedAN, Kaliningrad region casualAO, NW European Russia casualB, North Caucasus casualAP, S European Russia naturalisedAN); Serbia, with Kosovo casualAQ,AR; Slovakia naturalisedAS,AT; Slovenia casualAR,AU,AV; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (Spain naturalisedAW,AX); Switzerland casualAY; Ukraine casualB,U,AZ; Ukraine, with Crimea casualBA

    Common Names

    Czech (Czech Republic): Ambrozie trojklanáBB; Danish (Denmark): Trefliget AmbrosieBC; Dutch; Flemish (Netherlands): Driedelige ambrosiaAH; Estonian (Estonia): Kolmehõlmane ambroosiaBD; Finnish (Finland): SormituoksukkiBC, sormituoksukkiBE; French (Belgium): Ambroisie géanteBF; French (France): Ambroisie trifideBG, Grande Herbe à pouxBG; German (Germany): Dreispaltige AmbrosieBH; Hebrew (Israel): אַמְבְּרוֹסְיָה שְׁסוּעָהBI, אמברוסיה שסועהBI; Italian (Italy): Ambrosia trifidaAD; Latvian (Latvia): Trīsdaivu ambrozijaBD; Lithuanian (Lithuania): Triskiautė ambrozijaBD; Norwegian (Norway): HesteambrosiaBC; Polish (Poland): Ambrozja trójdzielnaAJ; Russian (Russia): Амброзия трехраздельнаяBJ; Slovak (Slovakia): Ambrózia trojzárezováAT; Slovenian (Slovenia): Trokrpa ambrozijaAV; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): hästambrosiaBE


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