


Source: Raab-Straube, E. von 2022+: Oleaceae. - In: Euro+Med-PlantBase - the information resource for Euro+Mediterranean plant diversity.
Chrysojasminum Banfi in Nat. Hist. Sci. 1(1): 4. 2014



    Ab(A) Ag Al Ar Bu Ca(C F G H P T) Cm Ga(F M) Gg Gr He Hs(G S) Ir It Jo Le Lu Ma Md(D M) Mk Rf(CS) Rm Si(S) Sy Tn Tu(A E) [aBe Ct Hu Sl] 

    Euro+Med: Albania native; Algeria native; Armenia native; Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) native); Belgium, with Luxembourg casual; Bulgaria native; Canary islands native (Fuerteventura native, Gomera native, Gran Canaria native, Hierro native, La Palma native, Tenerife native); Crimea native; Croatia introduced; Former Yugoslavia native; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France native, Monaco native); Georgia native; Greece native; Hungary introduced; Israel/Palestine native; Israel/Palestine-Jordan native; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native; Jordan native; Lebanon native; Lebanon-Syria native; Madeira archipelago native (Desertas native, Madeira island native); Morocco native; North Macedonia native; Portugal native; Romania native; Russia (North Caucasus native); Sicily, with Malta (Sicily native); Slovenia introduced; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra native (Gibraltar native, Spain native); Switzerland native; Syria native; Tunisia native; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part native, Turkey-in-Europe native); Ukraine, with Crimea native