Agrostis gigantea
Source: Valdés, B. & Scholz, H.; with contributions from Raab-Straube, E. von & Parolly, G. (2009+): Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Agrostis gigantea, Tent. Fl. Germ. 1: 31. 1788 wfo-0000843693
- ≡Agrostis alba subsp. gigantea, Comp. Fl. Ital.: 768. 1882 wfo-0000843131
- ≡Agrostis stolonifera subsp. gigantea in Maire, Fl Afrique N. 2: 120. 1953
- =Agrostis nigra, Arr. Brit. Pl., ed. 3, 2: 131. 1796 wfo-0000844071
- =Agrostis graniticola in Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk 12: 40. 1950 wfo-0000843727
- =Agrostis praticola in Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk SSSR 12: 40. 1950 wfo-0000844226
AE(G) Ab(A N) Ag Al Ar Au(A) BH Be(B L) Br Bu By Cm Cr Cs Ct Da Es Fe Ga(F) Ge Gg Gr Hb He Ho Hu It Jo Ko Lt Ma Mo No Po Rf(C CS E N NW S) Rm Se Sk Sl Su Tu(A E) Uk [aIs]
Euro+Med not endemicA,B,C,D,E: Albania native ‒ nativeF,G; Algeria nativeH; Armenia native ‒ nativeI; Austria, with Liechtenstein native ‒ nativeG (Austria native ‒ nativeJ,K); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) native ‒ nativeI, Nakhchivan nativeI); Belarus native ‒ nativeL; Belgium, with Luxembourg native ‒ nativeG (Belgium nativeM, Luxembourg nativeN); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeO; Bulgaria native ‒ nativeG,P; Caucasia (Ab + Ar + Gg + Rf(CS)) nativeQ; Crete, with Karpathos native; Crimea native ‒ nativeG; Croatia native ‒ nativeR,S; Czech Republic native ‒ nativeK,T,U; Denmark native ‒ nativeG,V; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands native); Estonia native ‒ nativeW; Finland native ‒ nativeG,X; Former Yugoslavia native ‒ nativeG; France, with Channel is. and Monaco native ‒ nativeG (France native ‒ nativeY,Z); Georgia native ‒ nativeI,AA; Germany native ‒ nativeG,K,AB,AC,AD; Great Britain native ‒ nativeG; Greece native ‒ nativeAE; Hungary native ‒ nativeG; Iceland casualAF,AG; Ireland, with N Ireland native ‒ nativeG; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native ‒ nativeG,AH; Jordan nativeAI; Kosovo native; Lithuania native ‒ nativeAJ; Moldova native ‒ nativeAK; Morocco nativeH; Netherlands native ‒ nativeG,AL,AM; Norway native ‒ nativeG,AN; Poland native ‒ nativeG,K,AO; Romania native ‒ nativeG,AP; Russia (C European Russia nativeL, E European Russia native ‒ nativeL, N European Russia native ‒ nativeL, NW European Russia native ‒ nativeL, North Caucasus native ‒ nativeI, S European Russia native ‒ nativeL); Serbia native; Serbia, with Kosovo native; Slovakia native ‒ nativeT,U,AQ; Slovenia native ‒ nativeAR; Sweden native ‒ nativeG,AS,AT; Switzerland native ‒ nativeG,K,AU,AV; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part native ‒ nativeAW,AX, Turkey-in-Europe native ‒ nativeG); Ukraine native ‒ nativeL
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