Ambrosia artemisiifolia

Ambrosia artemisiifolia


Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Sp. Pl.: 988. 1753 wfo-0000063493


    [nAb(A) aAg aAl pAr nAu(nA aL) nBH pBe(B nL) pBr nBu nBy nCg nCm aCo nCs aCt Da nEg aEs Ga(pC nF) nGe nGg pGr aHb(E N) He nHo nHs(S) nHu aIs nIt aLa pLi pLt nLu aMd(nM) nMo No nPo Rf(nC nCS nE pK nN nNW nS) nRm aSi(S) nSk aSl nSr aTn pTu(A) nUk] 

    Euro+Med not endemic: Albania casualA,B; Algeria casualC,D,E; Armenia introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationF; Austria, with Liechtenstein naturalisedG (Austria naturalisedH,I, Liechtenstein casualJ,K); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) naturalisedL,M); Belarus naturalisedN; Belgium, with Luxembourg introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationO (Belgium introducedP, Luxembourg naturalisedP,Q); Bosnia-Herzegovina naturalisedR; Bulgaria naturalisedS,T,U; Corsica casualV,W,X,Y; Crimea naturalisedN,Z; Croatia casualAA,AB,AC; Czech Republic naturalisedAD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI; Denmark introducedAJ; Egypt naturalisedAK; Estonia casualAL,AM; Former Yugoslavia naturalisedG; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (Channel islands introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationAN, France naturalisedG,Y,AO,AP,AQ,AR,AS); Georgia naturalisedM,AT,AU,AV,AW,AX; Germany naturalisedG,AY,AZ,BA; Great Britain introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationAN; Greece introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationBB,BC; Hungary naturalisedG,BD,BE; Iceland casualBF,BG; Ireland, with N Ireland (Ireland casualBH, Northern Ireland casualBH); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City naturalisedG,BI,BJ,BK,BL,BM; Latvia casualAM,BN; Libya introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationC; Lithuania introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationAM; Madeira archipelago casualC (Madeira island naturalisedBO,BP,BQ); Moldova naturalisedN,BR; Montenegro naturalisedBS; Netherlands naturalisedBT; Norway introducedBU; Poland naturalisedG,BV,BW; Portugal naturalisedG,BX,BY; Romania naturalisedG,BZ,CA,CB; Russia (C European Russia naturalisedN, E European Russia naturalisedN, Kaliningrad region introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationCC, N European Russia naturalisedN, NW European Russia naturalisedN, North Caucasus naturalisedM,CD,CE, S European Russia naturalisedN); Serbia, with Kosovo naturalisedCF; Sicily, with Malta (Sicily casualCG); Slovakia naturalisedAE,AF,CH; Slovenia casualCI,CJ,CK; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (Spain naturalisedCL,CM); Switzerland introducedCN,CO,CP; Tunisia casualCQ; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationCR); Ukraine naturalisedM,N,Z; Ukraine, with Crimea introducedCS

    Common Names

    Albanian (Albania): Ambrozia gjethepeliniCT; Armenian (Armenia): Ամբրոզիա օշինդրատերCU; Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan): Јовшанјарпаг амброзијаL; Croatian (Croatia): Pelinolisni limundžikCV; Czech (Czech Republic): Ambrozie peřenolistáCW; Danish (Denmark): Bynke-AmbrosieCX; Dutch; Flemish (Netherlands): AlsemambrosiaCY; Estonian (Estonia): Pujulehine ambroosiaCZ; Finnish (Finland): MarunatuoksukkiCX, marunatuoksukkiDA; French (Belgium): Ambroisie annuelleDB; French (Corse): Ambroisie à feuilles d'armoiseDC; French (France): Ambroise à feuilles d'ArmoiseDD, Ambroise élevéeDD, Ambroisie à feuilles d'ArmoiseDD, Ambroisie élevéeDD, Herbe à pouxDD; French (Switzerland): Ambroise élevéeDE, Ambroisie à feuilles d'armoiseDE; German (Germany): Beifuß-AmbrosieDF; German (Switzerland): Aufrechte AmbrosieDG; Icelandic (Iceland): ÖmbrujurtBF; Italian (Italy): Ambrosia con foglie di ArtemisiaBK; Italian (Switzerland): Ambrosia con foglie di artemisiaDH; Latvian (Latvia): Vērmeļlapu ambrozijaCZ; Lithuanian (Lithuania): Kietinė ambrozijaCZ; Norwegian (Norway): BeiskambrosiaCX; Polish (Poland): Ambrozja bylicolistnaBW; Romanian (Moldova): Амброзие пелинифолиеBR; Russian (Armenia): Амброзия полыннолистнаяCU; Russian (Russia): Амброзия полыннолистнаяDI; Slovak (Slovakia): Ambrózia palinolistáCH; Slovenian (Slovenia): Navadna ambrozijaCK, Pelinolistna ambrozijaCK; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): malörtsambrosiaDA; Ukrainian (Ukraine): Амброзiя полинолистаDJ


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