Alchemilla connivens

Alchemilla connivens


Source: Kurtto, A. (2009+): Rosaceae (pro parte majore). In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Alchemilla connivens Buser in Bull. Herb. Boissier 2: 107. 1894 wfo-1200075188
  • Alchemilla vulgaris subsp. connivens (Buser) E. G. Camus in Rouy, Fl. France 6: 450. 1900 wfo-0001007722
  • =Alchemilla vulgaris subsp. montana (F. W. Schmidt) Gams in Hegi, Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 4(2): 966. 1923 wfo-0000984580
  • =Alchemilla alpestris subsp. montana (F. W. Schmidt) Soó & Palitz in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 40: 245. 1936
  • =Alchemilla cleistophylla Rothm. & O. Schwarz in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 42: 295. 1937
  • =Alchemilla subconnivens Pawł. in Bull. Int. Acad. Polon. Sci., Cl. Sci. Math., Sér. B1, Bot. 1: 331. 1952 wfo-0000983943


Au(A) Bu Cg Ct Ga(F) Ge He Hs(A S) It -Mk Po Rm Sk Sl Sr Uk 

Euro+Med endemicA: Austria, with Liechtenstein (Austria nativeB,C); Bulgaria nativeD,E; Croatia nativeA; France, with Channel is. and Monaco native (France nativeE); Germany nativeC,E,F,G,H; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeE,I; Montenegro nativeA; North Macedonia native: reported in errorA; Poland nativeE,J; Romania nativeE,K; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeL; Slovakia nativeA,M,N,O,P; Slovenia nativeQ; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeE (Andorra nativeR,S, Spain nativeS,T); Switzerland nativeC,E,U; Ukraine nativeV

Common Names

Basque (Spain): tuisarraW; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): herba de tallW; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): pie de leónW


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