Agrostis vinealis

Agrostis vinealis


Source: Valdés, B. & Scholz, H.; with contributions from Raab-Straube, E. von & Parolly, G. (2009+): Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Agrostis vinealis Schreb., Spic. Fl. Lips.: 47. 1771 wfo-0000844747
    • =Agrostis coarctata Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, 1: 37. 1800 wfo-0000843460
    • =Agrostis tenuifolia M. Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Caucas. 1: 56. 1808 wfo-0000844621
    • =Agrostis coarctata subsp. syreistschikowii (P. A. Smirn.) H. Scholz in Willdenowia 5: 484. 1870 wfo-0000843462
    • =Agrostis syreistschikowii P. A. Smirn. in Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou, Biol. 47: 248. 1938 wfo-0000844596
    • =Agrostis coarctata subsp. hyperbora (Laest.) H. Scholz in Willdenowia 5: 482. 1970
    • =Agrostis stricta Curtis
    • p.p. ? Agrostis rubra L., Sp. Pl.: 62. 1753 sec. Valdés, B. & Scholz, H.; with contributions from Raab-Straube, E. von & Parolly, G. (2009+): Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.


    Ab(A) Ag Al Ar Au(A) Be(B L) Br By Cm Cs Da Es Fe Ga(F) Ge Gg Gr Ho Hu Is It Ko Lt Ma Mo No Po Rf(C CS NW) Rm Se Sk Sl Su Tn Tu(A) Uk 

    Euro+Med not endemicA: Albania nativeB,C; Algeria native; Armenia native; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativenativeD (Austria nativenativeE); Azerbaijan native (Azerbaijan (core) native); Belarus nativenativeF; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativenativeD (Belgium nativenativeG, Luxembourg nativeH); Crimea native; Czech Republic nativenativeI,J,K,L; Denmark nativenativeM,N; Estonia nativenativeO; Finland nativenativeP; Former Yugoslavia nativenativeD; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativenativeD (France native); Georgia native; Germany nativenativeD,K,Q,R,S; Great Britain nativenativeD; Greece nativeT,U; Hungary nativenativeD,V,W; Iceland nativenativeX; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeY; Kosovo nativeZ; Lithuania nativenativeAA; Moldova native; Morocco native; Netherlands nativenativeD,AB,AC; Norway nativenativeD,AD; Poland nativenativeD,AE; Romania nativenativeD,AF; Russia (C European Russia nativenativeF, NW European Russia nativenativeF, North Caucasus native); Serbia nativeZ; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeZ; Slovakia nativenativeJ,L,AG; Slovenia nativenativeAH; Sweden nativenativeD,AI,AJ; Tunisia native; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part native); Ukraine nativenativeF

    Common Names

    Estonian (Estonia): Mägi-kasteheinAK; Finnish (Finland): jäykkärölliAL; Latvian (Latvia): vīnkalnu smilgaAK; Lithuanian (Lithuania): šerialapė smilgaAK; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): bergvenAL


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